Embrace life.
Just as it is.
Fall in love with the emptiness, the vastness and stay open to it all.
Instead of resisting, move in close and investigate.
Be willing to invite the discomfort and the scary feelings to stay longer so that you can get to know them to their depth. Be brave and stay with the fear/emotion/discomfort just a little longer.
You can run away and avoid it or choose to work with it.
You can call it poison or you can call it wisdom; you can choose to love it or you can choose to hate it.
What breaks you down and makes you fall to your knees and cry is also what has the potential for your greatest growth, learning and awakening. Think of it as a portal :).
Pema Chödrön writes how each of our lives is like a mandala- a vast, limitless circle. We stand in the middle and everything we think, see and hear forms the mandala of our life.
Everything that shows up in our mandala is our teacher and our vehicle for awakening. You cannot control your circumstance and you cannot control the people around you. You can control your thoughts, your actions and how you choose to see a circumstance. That is it.
Only you can choose to make your life a mandala of insanity, frustration, anxiety and anger or a mandala of sanity, love, forgiveness and compassion.
The light cannot exist without the darkness. Embrace it all - the heartbreak, the confusion, the anxiety, the anger, the cravings, ignorance, jealousy, the beauty, kindness, excellence, joy and creativity. Do not judge yourself, label things as good or bad but instead realize that they are all part of the fullness of life. We are not here to resist it but to instead make the mandala of our life a means of growing into the person we are meant to be.
As you can imagine, this is not a destination but an ongoing practice ( I mean like dust on a mirror- ongoing.. very ongoing :) and this commitment takes daily practice. It takes a lot of practice, discipline and paying attention to your thoughts/ stories - catching yourself and training your mind.
We are all a mixture of light and dark, bitter and sweet, rough and smooth. Wherever you are in your life right now, right in this moment, that is your mandala and it is filled with opportunities to grow and learn.
"the mandala that is never arranged but is always complete"
-Chögyam Trungpa
The real lesson is not in whether something works out but in how you manage your curiosity so you can experience something new, something novel.
Be creative.
See through a different lens.
Be the artist of your life and choose to create extraordinary -everywhere you go.