When life gets too crazy
When you start taking yourself and everything too seriously
When your jaw is clenched and your fists are tight
When you lay awake, unable to fall asleep because your mind is racing
When you feel overwhelmed and exhausted
I know, its so counter intuitive, I find myself there more often then not. We live in a world where we manage so many things and many of us work full time, run a household (clean, laundry, meals, errands, drop-offs) and care for our families ( basically 3 Full time jobs). We push ourselves and have all these deadlines and responsibilities we often put on ourselves- we are serving and giving throughout our day.
This is a great recipe for burn out, chronic fatigue, exhaustion, even anxiety and depression- we need to change our system before our health and well-being is affected.. if it hasn't already been.
Stop taking life and yourself so seriously. You need to have fun, fill your cup and do what fuels your spirit. The more you PLAY, the more inspiration will follow. The more inspired you are, the more energy and passion you will have for your life.
Learn to have fun again. Connect to your inner child. If it makes you uncomfortable ( which it most likely will) DO IT ANYWAYS!!! AND laugh while you are doing it!! Hahahaha!!!
Schedule in PLAY into your day.
Do things without being attached to the outcome or results.
Spend more time doing things that bring you JOY, that light you up, that create a spark inside your soul.
Take this seriously and be brave ( spoiler alert- if you are a high achiever this will not be easy, you will need to commit and do it even if, ummm especially when that voice in your head is telling you every reason to NOT do it). Your logical mind will tell you that you are lazy, unmotivated, wasting your time, and all kinds of things to convince you to keep the same system you have. You know, the one that is deeply affecting your health and well-being, leaving you frustrated, anxious and drained because you are continuously serving everyone around you and allowing others to dictate and fill your day?
Inspiration and clarity come when you are in a place of joy, appreciation and at an elevated energetic state.
You probably think I'm crazy or trying to waste your time but trust me on this one guys, this strategy has brought so much joy and happiness to my life. You are so worthy of having more fun too. How can you be more playful? How can you be more playful in all that you do?
I'd love to hear from you- how do you play?? What scares you to do now as an adult that you loved doing when you were younger? What lights you up and puts a smile on your heart?
Have a play-full day!