It's so easy to feel like you are missing your time.
No guidance is guidance in and of itself.
Give yourself permission to rest and do things that bring you JOY. The more you connect to the stillness ( grab my guide here!) the more it will become clear.
The noise, distractions and busy-ness can take over and it's so easy to start taking action from a frenetic place. Feeling like we should be doing something.
It takes courage to say No and give yourself permission to rest.
It takes courage to rest and not take action- even when it is very uncomfortable (which it will be) to do so, take a deep breath, get still and know you are worthy. You do not need to be doing and taking action all the time. In order to create the life you are meant to, you need to learn and honour YOUR rhythm.
What if you made your biggest action today Non-action?
What if your sole focus this week was to nurture and take care of you?
Could you trust... enough?
The seeds are being planted and woven, if there is not clear guidance, it's because the timing is not yet. Make this a season to prepare, receive and nurture yourself for what is to come.
You are more then enough and so worth it.
You are not missing your time.