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Writer's pictureLisa Conroy

What's a Hell Yesssssss!!???

Following the Hell Yesssssssss!!! ( yes there are that many "sssss") is about learning to "follow your heart" again.

"It's about connecting to your body, developing your intuition, and taking action on what tugs at your heart."

When your boundaries are clear, others know where they stand and you are able to give your 100% focused love, energy and attention freely. You are able to give unconditionally and wholly and become clearer and more impactful in your actions.

If you are saying YES when you mean really mean NO, there is usually something you are needing from the situation or interaction. It can be the need for approval, the fear of being seen a certain way or the fear of loss, whatever it is for you, figuring it out will be key to you growing through this layer, finding your voice and setting clear boundaries. This will need your constant attention, day in and day out- be mindful and be gentle on yourself and ask for help. This is also learning to trust and find JOY in the journey.

When asked for a favour, to make a decision, to help, to be somewhere, take a deep breath and connect to your stomach, your pelvis, your gut (that's why we call it a "gut instinct"-it's your primordial brain). Ask yourself "is this a Hell Yessssssssss!??"- - listen, see what your body is saying, pay attention ( it gets easier with time :) )and if it's not a a Hell Yesssss!!! = it's a NO!.. No questions asked. This is where the courage is often needed. This is when it gets hard. You will have to say NO to people you love, to people you look up to, to people you specialize, to people you validate your worth from and even to the people you love and respect the most in life. BE BRAVE. You got this. This is carving out the time to create the life that you want, you are worth it.

Besides it's just NO for NOW sometimes, you can get to it when the time is right for you.

I find giving myself permission to not answer right away ; giving myself time to make the decision, also helps me so much. As women we manage so many things and have many roles- with that comes pretty chaotic schedules on most days! Life gets crazy sometimes! There are some things that just need to be done, others ( hint : the times you say yes when you really don't want to) , you are choosing and only you can choose to say NO and put that time and energy into something else- like your project, dream or goal!!

Giving yourself a bit of time to answer helps ensure that you make these decisions from a calm space, where you can breathe and your mind can be quiet for a minute. This also helps in learning and practicing to connect and listen to your body. If you are rushing off to the next drop off or pick up, don't do it in the middle of it while multitasking a bah-gillion things - but nobody says it can't be in the parking lot when you are waiting (this is often when I gather myself, breathe and get grounded again). Being creative as to where you fit it in is up to you. Keeping it simple and BE CREATIVE !

Intentionally prioritizing ( notice how I didn't say drop everything you are doing) things that matter to you will help shift your worth and love for YOU. From this space you will begin to attract more Joy and abundance into your life.

Commit to this practice. Commit to yourself and follow the Hell Yessssss! in your life.

.... And if it's not a Hell Yesss!, it's a NO!!!


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