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Writer's pictureLisa Conroy

We need you at your best

Write a list of 10 things that help you recharge. Things that help you feel rested and grounded.

This is key in finding peace and staying grounded in the chaos of a high stress time in life.

The more the stress, the more counterbalancing is needed. This will help you stay resourceful, have more energy, show up as your best and have more kindness and compassion for everyone around you.. and for yourself too.

Intentionally weave these throughout your day. Make this a MUST for you and notice how different it feels to navigate rough waters from a place of resourcefulness. In other words, when your inner well remains fueled.

So.... let's do this!

Write a list. A Self Care list. 10 things that help you feel connected, recharged and rested. Things that ignite you and that you are passionate about. Things that bring you JOY and make you feel good inside.

These will all help nurture your body.

Making this your priority is an act of loving yourself and knowing you are worth it too.

I first heard this idea from Melissa Ambrosini and I implemented it immediately because I was curious to see what it did in my life. Commit to doing at least one of the items on your list daily. Yes every single day I want you to take at least 20 minutes for you.

Get creative if you need to be, haha, I know I definitely did at first!!

Here's mine.

I love Lisa list Paint

Pick Oracle cards while breathing and stretching on the ground.

Go for a walk or run in nature Lay down for 20 minutes to Chakra Balancing Music Read my book with a cup of tea. 20 minute bath with 1 cup of epsom salts and Frankincence. 20 minute Meditation Nourishing my body properly ( lots of veggies and good fats) Being in bed by 9pm My early morning routine- waking up early enough to set intention for my day and do something for me. Start my day filling my cup :)

These are all things that bring me joy and/or elevate me through helping my body rest and recover optimally on a daily basis. Yes, you must rest and take care of yourself daily if you expect to be at your best every day. When the stress in your life is at a peak ( yes, life is always a combination of both, highs and lows, ebbs and flows, peaks and valleys) - expect all of it ( full spectrum) and accept it. It's completely out of your control anyways. Why waste any of your precious energy and time into stressing yourself further, you cannot control what is going on in the world right now. What you can control is your ability to find peace and stay grounded amongst the chaos.

a 20 minute walk with the sun shinning is one of my go-to recharge and rejuvenate strategies

Commit to yourself and to taking care of yourself daily. 10 things, choose at least 1. You are so worth it. If this scares you, please, trust me on this one. You can't give from an empty cup. Put your mask on first before helping others.

We need you at your best.


Share this and pass it on to your friends- we are all in this together and we will come out stronger.

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