The levels of stress and uncertainties brought on by COVID-19 has triggered old patterns for many of us.
I personally have noticed old wounds that I thought I had healed be torn wide open and screaming at me to pay attention and go deeper.
This can be.. ummmm... is - so uncomfortable.
At first I felt like I was grasping at anything I could in order to avoiding feeling. Food, workouts, projects.. anything to make me feel good again and like I was accomplishing something.
Old ways of being and doing have crept back up as we are being called to grow. I cannot tell you how many times I found myself scarfing down food or checking my newsfeed on social media in order to numb the feeling of uneasiness inside. I would try to take on projects or do these intense workouts to make me feel like I was enough again. This agitation, almost like a whirlwind of anger, anxiety, fear, hopelessness and frustration all at once kept growing inside.
We are being invited to dance on rocky grounds and this unchartered territory can bring up all kinds of old thoughts, beliefs and behaviours.
Just know, you are not alone.
It's so uncomfortable BUT if you are willing to just be with it.. all of it for just a moment, it feels different... not as sticky and real somehow.
The strategies that got you here will not be enough to get you out of this stronger. I am no exception to this - none of us are.
Here are my 5 things I've been focusing on DAILY
1. Meditate- daily. I have been doing twice daily and it helps so much with building awareness and catching yourself in these old patterns. If you are a beginner, there are great apps and free guided meditations that will help you get started. When your mind goes off ( to your grocery list or to dos) just smile and gently bring yourself back to where you are. Allow yourself to be a beginner and please don't throw in the towel because "you are not good at it or cannot sit still". Just sit, close your eyes and connect to your breath. Grab my Get Still Guide here to get started!
2. Allow yourself to feel what you are feeling and be with it without judgement. Just be with the anger, the anxiety, the hopelessness. I'll even allow myself time to be pissed off, cry, have a pity party -let it out, but don't stay there. That is your ego keeping you small. Feel it and move on. Science shows that 90 seconds of being with an emotion ( without judging it) will loosen it's hold on you.
3. Nurture yourself. When you find yourself reaching for your "go to" distractions ( food, phone, Netflix, workouts) catch yourself and instead take a seat on your meditation pillow, listen to chakra balancing music, pour yourself a bath. Give yourself love and be compassionate instead of going down the rabbit hole of shaming, comparing, jealousy and giving up. Self care is a must and will help you become an observer so you can catch yourself when you are slipping AND give you the energy you need to grow through these old patterns.
4. Look for blessings. Practice gratitude. Look for what's good in your life. This has been HUGE for me this week guys. There is so much being thrown our way that our minds automatically want to focus on all the bad in the world- that will attract more of those same circumstances and people into your life. The curve balls have been real and continual- I've automatically started asking myself "what's good in you life right now?" and I make myself list at least 5 things. This will also keep your frequency ( and energy) up.
5. Connect to JOY. Take this seriously. There is a huge frequency of FEAR out there right now so you must counterbalance with JOY to stay above it all and stay resourceful. Weave moments of Joy throughout your day, look at old pictures on your phone, go for a walk in nature. Read this popular blog and make your list and have it be your go to.
Use these guys, they help me so much. It's so important to implement DAILY good habits and strategies that will keep you strong and protect your well being for the long run. We do not know how long this will last so why not take this as an opportunity to learn and grow.
You got this. Trust. The world needs you to be your best and to become the person you were meant to be. It is through crisis and hardships that we grow the most, not when life is fluffy and smooth. Take this ( yes, all of "THIS") as a challenge, an assignment if you will.
Be brave. It's time to up your A game... just like in high school when you were playing a number 1 team!
You are so much stronger than you think and you've been through tough times before. Do not forget how far you've come and give yourself some credit.
You are amazing and a meant for greatness.