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Writer's pictureLisa Conroy

Reach higher levels of success by committing to this.


For so long I thought of it as a weakness, a sign of failure, pathetic and only for those that didn't want to accomplish much in their lives.

We are taught to hustle. To push. To go after our goals and dreams in order to amount to anything in life. We are taught to ignore our body, to relentlessly chase after a goal- push, push, push and once attained , to quickly move onto the next, always striving for more.

We live in a world where overwhelm, burn out and chronic fatigue are at an all time high. This is affecting women especially and our health and well-being is greatly being affected. Our society often glorifies being "busy", being "stressed", like it was a badge of honour. This has to stop.

I got caught up in the rat race. My health crashed and I had zero joy in my day to day life. I knew something had to change but I was terrified of what my life would look like and how I would reach any results and success in life if I didn't hustle, push and just get shit done all the time.

Nature is one of my primary ways to connect, breathe and slow down.

It takes courage to slow down. It takes courage to say NO. It takes courage to trust that rest and recovery are key to success in life. It takes courage to include yourself in the people you take care of and give yourself the love you deserve.

Breathe. You got this.

When you slow down and rest, you will start to realize that part of the game is figuring out your rhythm. It becomes an ongoing cycle of expansion and contraction- going outward ( to share your gifts, take action and chase your dreams) then coming back inward to rest, recover and gather yourself.

You will become more creative, resourceful, ideas will flow when you are "inward"( hint- write these down!!) and you will become more impactful with every action you take. You will have great clarity and see the bigger picture yet allow yourself to take simple, impactful action steps to get there. You will have more fun, have more joy and become more playful as you take action. Then you will rest.

You will begin to enjoy the journey.

This is how we start taking care of ourselves and become role models to the women around us. This is how we raise daughters to do the same and not validate themselves by what they do and have a deep knowing that they are enough just being them.

You are enough. You are more then enough.

Be brave. Slow down. Listen to the "Hell Yes!"- and if it's not a Hell yes!, it's a NO ( no questions asked- this takes the most courage).

A gentle reminder to myself after a big week last week to prioritize rest and take care of myself.

Take 10 minutes a day to rest, recharge, take a bath, read- just be with yourself. 10 minutes- beak it up if you need to but commit to it. NO excuses- just do it!

Commit to finding your rhythm and you will see how extraordinary life becomes and you will reach a level of health and success you never thought was possible.



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