"Creativity happens when we put together two things that don't belong" #starseedoracle
Do the unexpected.
What tugs at your heart?
If you feel stuck, how can you step back and see it again for the first time?
Soften your gaze.
If you feel anger and resentment, how can you see them again for the first time? Even if it's just to help your forgive and move one.
"Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies"
-Nelson Mandela
So often the answer and solution is right in front of us but because we are choosing the same thoughts, behaviours and actions, we miss what's right before us in the open.
Manifestation, intuition and creativity are part of being human. Yet, so many of us have forgotten how to create. We have forgotten that we are artists.
So, for today ( and going forward), I want you to surrender to a creative project that both scares and excites you. Start a new business, write that book, create that design and launch that new website!
You are the artist, the poet and the creative.
Life is your canvas.
It is absolutely blank and it is time to create your incredible masterpiece.
Are you ready to take responsibility for your ability to create and manifest the life that you want?
I hope your answer is a Hell Yessssssss!!!
Thank you for being a part of my life!
I've got tools to help!
Download my Free Creativity Guide here.
Take (or start) your practice to a deeper level. Become more playful, explore life through the lens of an artist, discover that JOY that is inside of you, your uniqueness and self expression - leap into your greatness by joining me for my live mini retreat Creative Exploration on Feb 21 & 22!! Sign up here!