I took deep breaths as my heart was racing and my hand was trembling.
"You are going to screw it up".
"Don't do it, you will ruin it."
"You can't draw faces".
This was the first time I was painting a face on my giant canvas and this was my bravery test today. So I let go.. and leaned in.
The voice in my head has been loud lately and particularly mean. With all of this slowing down and isolating I've realized that my mind can be a place that I'd never want to visit. A toxic, negative, shameful place that works to bring me down, see myself weak and keep me small so I stop taking action on my future.
Now I know that part of the game is to become of aware of the voice, feel the fear and do it anyways. So I've committed to doing something that scares me every day so I can practice being in the discomfort.
Our inner critic ( that voice inside your head that's trying to keep you small) will grow louder when the stress is high... and even more if you are tired or fatigued.
We always have these limiting thoughts but with recent circumstances ( and chaos), they have become louder. We must refuse to engage in mind games that are designed to dim our light. We are being asked to heal another, deeper layer... so we can further anchor and be grounded in our truth. It's time to make a choice.
We must bring greater awareness... And we must be brave.
I want you to practice being brave by doing something that scares you.. every day.
I want you to be scared, feel your heart race, your hand tremble and DO IT ANYWAYS..this is a practice that will carry forth into every area of your life. Think of this as your training.. your assignment.
The more you practice, the more confident you will become and the daily challenges will make you stronger.
Get comfortable with the discomfort.
Prove to yourself that you are stronger than you think.
You got this. You are so worthy.. now it's time to be brave.
What's your bravery test going to be today?