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Writer's pictureLisa Conroy

Stop it

You will grow and as you grow you will slowly become who you are meant to be.

As you are growing it is easy to look back and regret the way you dealt with a situation.

You may have shame around the way you behaved and what you did as well as the way you treated people.

This can be soooooo uncomfortable and so easy to fall into being a victim; brow-beating yourself with shame in order to punish yourself.

Stop it.

All of those things, all of those places, all of those interactions, failures, falls, betrayals, acts of self-sabotage, addictions and things you regret so deeply you wish they never would have happened but did, happened to bring you where you are today.

Forgive yourself.

Soften your eyes and your heart to the person in the mirror.

She did the best she could with what she had.

Just as the darkness cannot exist without the light, courage cannot exist without fear.

This crack in the ice reminded me of how quickly life can change. The only certainty in life is CHANGE, and it takes courage to change.

Realize that your darkest times, your darkest moments happened for you and have made you the person you are today. It is time to have courage and be willing to shed what no longer serves you. You are so incredibly worthy of an extraordinary life, don't drag around old baggage out of shame and regret.

Forgive yourself and forgive others.

Have the awkward conversations that scare you. Journal and freely write what comes through you when the victim is screaming, do not judge yourself just let it flow. Turn your judgement into compassion by softening and love yourself just a little more.

As you grow, you will shed. Do not look back and look at your life or yourself as a failure but realize this was all an assignment- a divine plan laid out for you to grow and step into your greatness.

Learn to love YOU again. Just a little more, every single day. BE your own best friend and have the patience, kindness and compassion for yourself as you have for so many people around you.


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