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Start Caring for YOU.

Writer's picture: Lisa ConroyLisa Conroy

We are taught to care for others but rarely are we taught to care for ourselves. Many of us were even raised to think it was selfish or vain to do so when there are "things to be done"and other people that need you.

Before we can give care freely ( and wholly) and receive it from others we must first be congruent in caring for ourselves. Our brain and body need to know that you are caring for them and have their best interest for your health, well-being and overall life. When you don't take care of yourself it's hard to sustain the energy, excitement and be ignited to pursue your dreams and live the life you were meant to live.

The majority of our society is dehydrated, overweight, stressed out, sleep deprived as we continue to try and manage everything that is thrown our way and please others. We tend to take care of ourselves last ( if at all ) and even start blaming others for not tending to ourselves. How much and what we eat, drink, balance and prioritize responsibilities, rest, sleep and do is entirely up to us.

I lived in a state of exhaustion and overwhelm for so many years and now I see that it is mostly because I didn't care for myself. When you take the time and make caring for yourself a priority you fill your cup ( even slowly) and feel nurtured and taken care of. You cannot give freely and sincerely from an empty cup and eventually it will lead to resentment, feelings of being taken advantage of and is the biggest drain on our system.

Here's what works for me and what I continue to work towards;

1. Schedule a minimum of 7 hours ( I aim for 8) of sleep every night- getting a better night's sleep is the best thing you can do for your brain, body and life. Sometimes as parents we need to be creative in here, but scheduling and aiming to be in bed earlier has been key in getting healthier and stronger again. I had to learn to better manage my schedule, ask for help at times and often force myself to get to bed instead of staying up, watching TV and mindlessly eating.

2. Eat real Food- Where are the proteins? Where are the Fats? And where are the greens? Ask yourself this as you look at your plate. Chew your food, slow down and enjoy each bite fully rather then shovelling it into your mouth - this was so hard for me but it turns out it is one of the greatest acts of self care ( and self love). Your brain and body will become aware when you are full and you will feel more satisfied. Also aim for at least one third of your plate to be greens ( salad, broccoli, collards, spinach) and your body will be more nourished, more alkaline and more free of aches and pains and illnesses.

3. Exercise at least 3 times per week and move every day. I aim for three 15 minute workouts ( cardio, weights and functional movements- squats, lunges, push-ups) per week and on the other days I walk or run for 30 minutes ( As always, do what's possible and best for you and consult your doctor when making new workout and health choices depending on your current health condition). Movement helps shift the mind, increase energy and builds momentum.

4. Meditate. Meditation has been proven to not only help decrease stress levels but is also being linked to activating and increasing capacities for CREATIVITY, EMPATHY and ACHIEVEMENT. I Aim for twice a day- morning and mid-afternoon or evening, even ten minutes ( honestly, sometimes it's only 5) is enough to help me release and feel recharged for what's next. Be creative in creating moments where your eyes are close ( helps reset the pre-frontal cortex), you can breathe and quiet your mind.

5. Drink more water. Most of us are dehydrated and have been for years. We hear so much advice around what we should be drinking , this is what works for me. I aim for 6 litres a day- hear me out before you call me crazy! I recommend 4 litres to my patients as a baseline but if you are active add a litre and if you drink coffee in the morning, add another litre. Water helps flush out toxins and you'll be amazed at the increase in your mental and physical energy. Go on, give it a try!!

Lastly, give yourself a break and start giving yourself a little credit. As high achievers, go getters and busy moms trying to do our best, we tend to be way too hard on ourselves. We tend to be overly judgmental of our weakness and struggles, be mean to ourselves and fail to recognize or celebrate what we have done. Stop! Start laughing more and stop taking yourself and life too seriously. Be kind to yourself and start being patient with YOU too.

" Fall in love with taking care of yourself; mind, body and soul. There is only one of you. You are truly once in a lifetime"

-LaTisha Cotto

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Lisa Conroy
Lisa Conroy
Dec 16, 2019

Thank you Liliane! I am having fun sharing and love having feedback on what you like and how I can help ;)



Liliane Régnier
Dec 16, 2019

Morning Lisa! Thanks for your beautiful, inspiring blog. Your Mom gave me one of your bookmarks last week:) Love it!

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