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Writer's pictureLisa Conroy

Repeat daily :)

What if you just committed to enjoying life and having fun?

To being present, playful and and laughing more. To resting and recharging and taking care of everyone in your family while creating extraordinary moments along the way.

You will not be rushing.

You will not be jamming things into your day and running around breathless.

Give yourself permission to let go of all that you cannot control and surrender. This is your permission slip if you need it.


Breathe and be open and willing to what it can look like.

You are the artist.

Your life is your canvas.

Use this time to heal and take care of yourself. To prepare for what is next -so you can show up and ... leap.

Think of it as your season of preparation.

If life has been too serious or burdening, stop right now and be playful. Laugh, be silly and look for what's funny and makes you laugh.

BE like a child today. Dance, sing, twirl, paint with your fingers and go sidewalk chalk.

Counterbalance all your seriousness with a good healthy dose of playFULLness. Connect to JOY as much as you can throughout your day. Make JOY your constant companion- not because of what you do but from who you are while you are doing these things.

Be willing to see the beauty in the world. Open your eyes to the wonder everywhere ... be willing to seeing the beauty in YOUR world.

Beauty, just like extraordinary moments, are waiting to be discovered.. by YOU. So, what are you waiting for?

Close your eyes.


Now, Open your eyes and choose to see beauty everywhere. Soften your eyes and really look for it. Repeat daily:)


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Lisa Conroy
Lisa Conroy
Mar 23, 2020

Yesssss!!! Huge love bomb coming your way my friend! Enjoy this glorious day, go out and PLAY!!!


Vicky Tarcon
Mar 23, 2020

Mmmmm! Felt that one 💗

Have a beautiful day my friend 💜

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