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Writer's pictureLisa Conroy

Maybe it's time for you to unlearn too.

I am learning ...or shall I say unlearning.. to not take things personally.

If people like what I have to say or share.. I will not take it personally.

If people don't like what I am saying, sharing or what I am wearing... I will not take it personally.

We were raised to allow others opinions of what we do and who we are dictate our worth. We were raised to allow our "reputation" ( what others think of us) equal our value and our worth.

You are worthy. Just as you are. The sooner you realize this and give yourself permission to share your gifts, unapologetically and authentically- no matter what anyone says, the happier and more fulfilled you will be in life.

"The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away".

- Pablo Picasso

It is not easy to be vulnerable and to share, especially in the beginning. You will find yourself reaching for feedback, validation or for someone to tell you that you doing great.. but you need to trust and keep going... even when all you get is crickets.

The world needs YOU to show up and share YOUR gifts. This is impossible when you put others opinions of you higher then your own opinion of you. It is also not possible if you are constantly rushing and putting others before you.

It will be scary. It will be uncomfortable. Do not allow discomfort to be a sign for you to STOP but rather a sign that you are exactly where you need to be and to keep going. Something new, beautiful and magical awaits just on the other side of fear.


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