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Writer's pictureLisa Conroy

Just dance

I've been telling myself this every single day.

It is a reminder that I am out of control and that my job is not to go crazy and try to control everything but rather to let go, loosen my grip and go with the flow of life.

Loose yourself in the rhythm.



You can enter this flow state every time you drop your expectations. I have noticed that I start revving high when I am trying to control people or things in my life. My adrenaline spikes ( gahhhhhh it feels so good to keep going, keep trying to do it all, keep clinging to my expectations), my hands get cold and clammy, my jaw is clenched and my mind cannot stop racing. Pay attention to what your body does when in this state, it will be your signal to help catch yourself and interrupt the pattern.

You can enter the flow and dance with life every time you are willing to release your expectations.


Let go of the shore, the branch that you are so tightly clinging to and let the river carry you to parts of the river of YOUR LIFE that you have never ventured to.

Dance like no one is watching. ( get the rest of my Free Creativity Guide here)

Let go and allow yourself to be carried around bends of the river you didn't even know existed. Be inquisitive and curious rather then resistant and judgemental. Let go and let flow do the rest- you will be surprised at how effortless life can be... and wow, can I just mention how much more fun it is too?

My 5 year old daughter took this picture of me having a dance party- This has become a key strategy in helping manage and elevate my energy!


When life feels crazy, overwhelming, like you are drowning and barely hanging on, just dance.


What's your go to song that you helps you shake things up and changes your energy??

Start a playlist with all of your faves and use it as a tool to elevate your energy!

We need to support each other as we collectively grow through this pattern of taking life too seriously and trying to control everything and everyone. Share this with a friend and help her see the magic of her dance and her magnificence.

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