Life is too short to be living somebody else life, or a life of what other people want for you, or even expect of you ( no matter how well-intentioned they may be). You will be the one with regret. You will be the one that will look back and wonder " I wonder if..??, I wonder where I would be if I had... ?? ", and "they" will all have moved on.
Take a moment to sit down, think and write your dreams every day. What excites you and scares you all at once? Write it down. Let your hand write freely and do not judge or erase any of the answers for now. What did you want as a child? What do you want your life to look like? What state of health do you want? How do you want to feel and show up for the people around you.. and for yourself!
Start creating the life you were meant to live.
Commit to becoming the person you need to be to create this life.
Your first step is to add more of what brings you JOY into every day. Schedule it in and carve out the time on your schedule. You are worthy. This step is so important, you cannot give from an empty cup- fill yours on a consistent basis. You will need to protect this time, so be prepared.

Bring more intention into all of your interactions- Who do you need to be? How do you want to show up- With Enthusiasm, Confidence, Playfulness, Creativity, Energy, presence for every interaction?
Lastly, take a moment before your day and write down one or two words of "who you want to be TODAY". This morning my words were PRESENT and PLAYFUL. If you do not start thinking about and taking ownership around your day ( and your life), you will always be reacting to the world and the people around you rather then clearly forging YOUR own path.
~Joy lives at the edge~