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Writer's pictureLisa Conroy

Is your ability to see beauty dimmed?

I realize now that my ability to see beauty in the world was dimmed by my self-worth.

I was looking at the world and at myself from the lens of a perfectionist. It was never enough, no matter how hard I tried and how quickly I reached a goal, I always berated myself and had this "not enough" mentality. I didn't allow myself to fully receive and therefore I didn't feel supported. My mind was hijacked by a sense of lack and scarcity.

I didn't love myself and I realized it's because I didn't feel worthy.

I was absolutely floored and seriously almost fell over when Gabby Bernstein told us we had to do self-care daily. "HA! Easy for you to say, you're not a mom" "you've got a huge support team".. and so many reasons.. excuses as to why I couldn't create time daily for me. Gah! Then I realized it's because I didn't think I deserved it!

Self- worth and self-love became my priority.

At first it was very deflating to see how little I had. I was only confident when I felt validated.

I wasn't comfortable just being with me, I actually avoided it.

You cannot fully see the beauty in the world if you cannot see the beauty in yourself. You cannot love others any more then how you love yourself- if you want to be able to give more love, you have to start with you!

Change your language. Tell that mean girl inside your head that you can see her. You can mute her out you know! Start speaking to yourself with kindness, cheer yourself on and tell yourself that you are beautiful!! Tell yourself that you are strong. Tell yourself that you are worthy of an extraordinary life ( if this makes you fell uncomfortable say it LOUDER! Write it on your mirror, put in on a post-it note, plant reminders around you- it's time to start believing in a different story!

You shine when you are being yourself. Your beauty radiates and you can shift the world around you by your mere presence when you are in your authentic self. BE YOU. Love YOU.

Know your worth. Take time for yourself daily to learn to know and honour yourself through self care.

Here are some of my self care faves:

Diffuse essential oils ( sounds crazy but my brain thinks its relaxing and luxurious)

15 minute afternoon nap or lay down listening to Chakra balancing music.

20 minute bath with epsom salts and Frankincence

Sit down to eat my lunch. Take the time to properly chew my food.

Nourish my body with foods that bless it and make it thrive.

Have a dance party or stretch to relaxing music.

Oracle cards and meditation

Buying myself fresh flowers

Paint session ( even 10 minutes is worth it!)

Go for a walk in nature

Read a book that inspires me with a hot cup of tea

Go swimming in a lake

Paddle boarding

Get to bed by 9pm

It doesn't have to be fancy or expensive.

Start today and commit daily. You are so worthy, now it is time for YOU to believe it.


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