Whenever life throws me challenges or curve ball, I have learned to ask myself "where's the gift Lis?"
There's always a gift. There is always an opportunity if we are open and willing to see things differently.
We must shift our perspective from life happens to me to life happens for me.
Where are there opportunities for growth for you right now?
Where are you being called to learn, be more present, stay more factual or see the blessings in your life-it's usually an area or person that pisses you off or something you resist or avoid..
Getting quiet, getting still and slowing down is necessary in becoming aware of old patterns.. and we have all been told to slow down.. a lot. We have been told to stop the train... and that is scary for many of us.
It's so easy to go stir crazy, feel anxious or even depressed if we focus on all that we cannot do and all that we have lost. Feelings of restlessness, anxiousness, nervousness and worry become louder ( for all of us!) as we continue to be forced to do nothing and go nowhere... and as the financial burden and changes start to impact us more.. What if we changed our approach?
Often the strategies that got you here will not be the strategies to get you to the next level.
Our usual distractions (rushing around and doing) have all been taken away and it becomes easy to get into an addictive spiral where we think one more bite of food or one more glass of wine will help us knock the edge off or relax... or will get rid of the boredom and constant feeling of uneasiness in the background.
We need you strong! Do this for your son and your daughter. Do this for your younger self and do this for the person you need to become but please, make the choice to commit to your growth through this extraordinary time. Here are 5 areas that have helped me. Take a moment to jot down your ideas and get clear on what you need to do.
Rest- more, every day. Go to bed one hour early and do something from your self care list daily, nurture your body. Grab my get still guide here for ideas on where to start. This is key to staying grounded and strong amongst the stress.
Nourish your body with foods that make it thrive and feel good. Eat greens at every meal and make healthy food convenient. Need some help? Download my Fave Recipes guide and Grocery list and Meal Prep guide here! Also, aim for at least 4 L of water every day!
Move - daily. Especially time outside walking, running or biking in nature. Have a dance party or run around in the back yard with your kids, be creative! Movement is one on the quickest ways to shake things up, generate more energy ( yesss!) and stay mentally strong.
Challenge yourself to learn something new. Be brave, open and teachable. Start an online course ( there are plenty of free videos on youtube too), start playing a new instrument, start an art practice, learn or level up on skills that will help you when we are on the other side of this. What scares and excites you all at once? You've got the time, only you can choose where you will put your focus.
Do more of what brings your JOY and practice gratitude.. around everything that is good. Weave these moments throughout your day- you've got nothing better to do with your time!! Need ideas? Check out last week's blog where I share my list and guide you to making your own.
Your incredible masterpiece is manifesting, the seeds are being planted and woven. Can you stay open to the idea that this is your season of preparation? Can you trust enough?
Who must you become?
How can you best rest and nurture yourself to keep your inner well full today .. and for the remainder of this time?
You got this!! Stay strong my friend, you are so worthy and you are more than enough.