It can feel like a lot of pressure to start creating and from my experience, the more I pressure myself and try to take control, the more stuck I feel.
Trusting can be so difficult. This is an ongoing practice for me as I often would feel like I was "missing my time" and felt (and sometimes still do) I should be clearer on what I was meant to create and taking action already. My tendency is to busy myself ( to feel like I am accomplishing something )and take action but the reality is that in those moments I tend to have a "throw everything against the wall to see what sticks" technique which is really not that impactful and ends up being more of a distraction then anything.
If you are not clear, that is a sign that the time is not right yet. No guidance is guidance in itself. The answers will become clear when you rest, find your stillness and connect to that quiet place inside. In other words, when you are ready- now is a season of preparation.
You are meant for greatness and are so worthy of an extraordinary life. The world needs your unique gifts, it needs you to express yourself, share, shine and beautify the world as you journey through it and leave your unique footprint.
I often look at it now like I have more to learn, grow into or that I must rest and recharge my body for when the time is right and I am being called to take action. As hard as it is, I make myself not take action until I have clarity on my next step.
So, if you are not sure what you are here to create, do not panic! You are not missing your time!
A fun practice I've started has been having deep gratitude for all that is good in my life right now. I write it in my journal, I state it out loud, I start laser focusing on what I am most thankful for and really feel it from deep inside.
Look for blessings, look for the good in your life, connect to what brings you joy (I love beautiful candles #coalandcanary and using beautiful oracle cards #StarseedOracle ) and you will see that life will begin to give you more and more good experiences.
You are the artist and the fact that you are reading this tells me that your journey has already begun and that your masterpiece is already manifesting. Honour the stillness. The seeds are being planted and your life will be more fruitful then you could ever imagine if you loosen your grip and surrender to what your soul wants.
"When the personality comes to fully serve the energy of its soul, that is authentic empowerment."
-Gary Zukav
Chances are that creating your masterpiece is going to look much different then you think.
Trust. You were born for this.