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Writer's pictureLisa Conroy

Ask Yourself these questions daily

"What are you CREATING? "

"Why are you here?"

"What footprint are you leaving behind to "leave it better then you found it?"

"What legacy are you leaving behind for your grandchildren's grandchildren? "

These questions seemed to be on replay in my mind and to be completely honest, they scared the living daylights out of me!

" Creativity Takes Courage"

-Henri Matisse

When I first sat down to journal and write on this, I actually had no idea. I could figure out some "logical goals", you know the ones that just make sense to be your "next step", the ones you convince yourself of and rationalize.??? But, I didn't have any dreams or goals that made my stomach turn with excitement and made me want to vomit all at once. The ones that now make me giddy and scared. The ones that require me to grow and step outside of my comfort zone.

Commit to a life of growth. Commit to your dreams. Commit to yourself.

My mentor Brenden Burchard says it so simply;

" Did I live. Did I love. Did I matter?"

Use these to guide you. Write down your thoughts for 10 minutes daily- give yourself time with you, to be "bored" - this is where most of the best ideas and dreams come from. Ask yourself these questions and see what comes up. Do not judge yourself or even react, just BE with what comes up.

Choose action steps daily that keep you anchored to your goal ; start small and stay consistent- you've got the rest of your life that still needs you too. It should scare you- I want to one day have a retreat centre where I host transformational workshops and Creativity workshops. One way to stay anchored to this goal is to PAINT ( I can't be an artist and teacher if I don't even paint) , sit down and write out my vision, what do I want it to look like, be like, smell like , who will be attending, what kind of transformation and tools do I want everyone to leave with, every detail- so I can almost taste it. When the WHY becomes clear, the HOW will be revealed.

Take action daily to stay anchored to your dream and you will get closer to the extraordinary life you were meant to live.

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